Ebb Tide Tackle Topwater Fishing adventures and Fishing Tackle!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Bali GT's - time for a monster!
By John Cahill
Well we have just finished off the final 3 day
charter for 2012, it was awesome to have good mates Kyle (Jaks Lures Australia
and Fullscale Lures) and 'Ace' Jase Taylor (Ebb Tide Adventures) along with a
GT 'virgin' Alex a mate of Kyles. Fishing just after the December new
moon there were big tides, currents were strong and hopes were high. Alex
was just keen to get amongst his first GT whilst Kyle and Ace were both after a
personal best, both had scored a plethora of GT's in the past fishing the
Montebello Islands over the years but a giant so far had eluded both of
them. Fishing with Adhek on the fabled GT1 they were in with the best
chance possible in these waters at least. Day one consisted of fishing Batu
Abah on Nusa Penida Island and the water conditions looked extremely positive
but we flogged the water all morning for a single bump. Weary arms
started casting after lunch and Kyle finally came up tight on an ASWB sinking
stick bait for his first fish of the trip. Bali has recently been
subjected to the first wet season rains. This is fine except it means
that all the waste and rubbish in the waterways gets flushed into the waterways
and out to sea. In some of the backwaters and eddies at Batu Abah this
flotsam had attracted a large school of fusiliers - sailfish had been seen
attacking them earlier in the day and we kept returning for a cast. Late
in the day, Kyle came up very tight! A stubborn, back breaking fight
ensued, resulting in this GT of 133cms fork length and 114 cms girth! Day 2 was the long trek to
Lombok. The water was brilliant looking but current a tad modest. A
bit of a non-event, we scored two baby GT's both on ASWB. On my last trip
to Lombok I was reefed by a good fish in a reef filled bay whilst using an
Adhek Bali Cuttle popper. This was high on my mind as we again came to
the same section and I of course had another Cuttle loaded up and was searching
the same spot. Bang I was on and about 5 seconds later same result.
Next time the drag WILL be locked!!!!Day
3 was back to Batu Abah. Some weary bodies commenced to cast but we were
somewhat enthused by good reports from Mark Harris and Simon Bomholdt who had
scored good fish the evening before. The day began with some exploratory
casting and apart from another sailfish showing itself the current was too
slow. A re think saw us turn to some deep jigging and dinner was secured
before moving to the main popping site again after lunch. Cast 4 produced
this gem with its long lead body that severely tested my back with its good use
of the fast current! Again - ASWB! The take on this fish was
spectacular, ripping across the surface after its second swipe. Long toms
showered out of the water all around!Well
into the afternoon of day 3 and Alex was fishless. He had cast and popped
like a champion but had only enjoyed a missed hook up to this point.
Everyone was overjoyed when he hooked up and landed his first ever GT - well
done mate = respect! Jason had enjoyed a modest return so far on this trip but
his fortunes changed and it seemed he was onto the fish of a life time!
Unfortunately what was thought to be a monster was actually a foul hooked fish
that made very good use of the current! Next time mate.